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電 C language like operation calculator.


site:2009.09.24 Up

App Store

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“Version1.1” was open to the public.

– Action of problems of number of maximum display digits when decimal is displayed.

– [+/-] Pressing operation problem action.

– Binary number, decimal number, and hexadecimal number switch operation problem action.


Various keys:
・Setting and mode changing keys

[Bin][Dec][Hex] : Change of binary mode, decimal mode and hexadecimal mode.

[8bit][16bit][32bit][64bit] : Change of bit size.

[sig][unsig] : Choice of signed or unsigned.

[i] : Change of Settings.

・Common keys of arithmetic operation and bit operation.

[Del] : Delete of 1 digit or operator.

[CLR] : Clear result.

[=] : Displays result.

・Arithmetic operator keys

[+] : Add operator

[-] : Subtract operator

[x] : Multiply operator

[÷] : Divide operator

[%] : Modulo operator

・bit operator keys

[&] : AND operator

[|] : OR operator

[^] : EXCLUSIVE OR operator

[~] : Tilde(NOT) operator

[<<] : Left shift operator

[>>] : right shift operator

Example of arithmetic operation:

– To calculate ( 1 + 2 ) * 3 do the following

  1. select [Dec] mode
  2. press [1]
  3. press [+]
  4. press [2]
  5. press [x]
  6. press [3]
  7. press [=]

– To calculate 7 mod 3 do the following

  1. select [Dec] mode
  2. press [7]
  3. press [%]
  4. press [3]
  5. press [=]

Example of bit operation:

– To Calculate 0000 0011 AND 0000 0101 do th following

  1. select [Bin] mode
  2. press [1][1]
  3. press [&]
  4. press [1][0][1]
  5. press [=]

– To calculate 0A OR 07 do the following

  1. select [Hex] mode
  2. press [A]
  3. press [|]
  4. press [7]
  5. press [=]

– To calculate NOT 0000 0011 do the following

  1. select [Bin] mode
  2. press [1][1]
  3. press [~]
  4. press [=]

– To calculate 0000 0011 left 2bit shift do the following

  1. select [Bin] mode
  2. press [1][1]
  3. press [<<]
  4. select [Dec] mode
  5. press [2]
  6. press [=]
Example of About & Settings:

  1. press [i]
  2. Prease select Back Image, Sound or Website.


  3. press [Done]